Bitcoin News

Two U.S. lawmakers have requested answers from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about its rulemaking process. Their request followed the latest SEC Inspector General report that “raises significant concerns that the agency is trying to enact too many rules, too quickly.” ‘SEC Is Enacting Rules Without Sufficient Feedback’ U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) and
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has won a court case against the blockchain-powered publishing platform LBRY. According to a New Hampshire district court ruling, Judge Paul Barbadoro agreed with SEC that the project’s native asset LBC was considered an investment contract or a transferable share representing a certificate of interest. On Twitter, LBRY
press release PRESS RELEASE. PARIS, FRANCE / NOVEMBER 7th 2022 / Tezro’s decentralized cryptocurrency payment service is expected to revolutionize the shopping experience. Through its innovative financial chat platform, the Tezro app combines crypto and e-commerce, enabling users to make purchases using a wide range of cryptocurrencies. With Tezro, you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies
A proposal to eliminate the physical representation of the Argentine Peso, in order to streamline specific state processes and reduce tax evasion, has been presented by former banker Carlos Maria De Los Santos. The plan, identified as “Argentine Digital Peso,” also predicts that its implementation would lead to lower taxes and bring a surplus to
Elon Musk has started rolling out a $7.99-a-month Twitter Blue subscription service. U.S. President Joe Biden, however, is concerned that the billionaire has bought a social media platform “that spews lies all across the world.” Stating that there are “no editors anymore in America,” Biden stressed: “How do we expect kids to be able to
According to a Hydro-Québec newsroom report, the company has asked the electricity transmission and distribution regulator, Régie de l’énergie, to cease offering services to crypto miners. The Hydro-Québec report stresses that “growth in electricity demand is expected to continue in Québec. Hydro-Québec Targets Blockchain Industry in Order to Stave off Electricity Demand Cryptocurrency miners in
According to the crypto firm Circle Internet Financial, the company is “deepening” its partnership with the world’s largest asset manager Blackrock. Circle disclosed that it has started to transfer USDC reserves into a Blackrock-managed fund that’s registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Circle Deepens Relationship With the World’s Largest Asset Manager Blackrock
In this week’s hottest stories from News, veteran trader Peter Brandt says the bear market that began for dogecoin back in May is over, boxer Gilberto ‘Zurdo de Oro’ (Golden Southpaw) Ramírez steps up for a shot at the World Boxing Association light heavyweight title, the United States Federal Reserve’s key inflation gauge